



TouchWo Display aiuta gli autobus esteri a viaggiare in modo intelligente

Per essere più sicuri ed efficienti, i veicoli moderni spesso integrano più tecnologie come i computer, rilevamento moderno, fusione delle informazioni, comunicazione, controllo automatico, e così via. As an integrated device for various technological applications, the safety and stability of in vehicle display devices are crucial. Recentemente, the TouchWo TD ...

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Perché i computer all-in-one con controllo industriale integrato sono così popolari?

Il computer all-in-one di controllo industriale integrato è una piattaforma che fornisce l'integrazione software/hardware basata su computer per determinate applicazioni speciali. A causa delle sue piccole dimensioni, low power consumption, easy installation and maintenance, high functionality and stability, it is more suitable for complex and demanding on-site environments. Currently, embedded industrial computers have ...

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Diamo un’occhiata alle tecnologie avanzate presenti nella biblioteca

Come la rete 5G, intelligenza artificiale, l’edge computing e altre moderne tecnologie informatiche accelerano l’iterazione, people are more and more accustomed to the ubiquitous intelligent life, learning and work scenarios. Libraries must also adapt to this change, transform to smart libraries, use data and intelligent management methods, create a ...

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TouchWo Touch all-in-one machine, helping to upgrade medical services

Negli ultimi anni, with the deepening of smart city services in people’s livelihood scenarios, the informationization level of the medical industry is constantly improving, and the intelligent transformation of traditional healthcare is accelerating. More and more medical institutions are introducing information technology hardware and software such as industrial tablets, medical ...

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Teach everyone how to choose an industrial control touch all-in-one computer

Today we will teach you how to choose an industrial control touch all-in-one computer. Follow these four steps to choose an industrial control all-in-one computer: the first is the list of requirements, the second is to choose a factory, the third is to look at the materials used, and the ...

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Touchwo DP series workstation machine, specially designed for efficient management of digital factories

The Touchwo DP series workstation machine is a multifunctional and cost-effective equipment designed specifically for workstation personnel, featuring high integration,

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